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SIG20 Conference theme

Inquiry practices include activities that scientists engage in to explore and explain different issues, topics, or problems in different knowledge domains. Natural scientists, for example, aim to explore, explain, and model world phenomena, while social scientists engage in inquiry to examine, interpret, and predict human behavior. Still, the main challenge for research on inquiry learning always seems to come down to the same question, regardless of its domain: How can we optimize the design and scaffolding of inquiry practices at different levels of education (pre-school, primary, secondary, higher, and adult education)? On the one hand, earlier work has pointed out that it is equally important to think about how students reason with tools, support and environments, as it is crucial to assess what students exactly learn from inquiry practices. On the other hand, there is an increased attention towards experiences outside the classroom, next to traditional classroom activities, as part of a movement that tries to bridge formal with more informal learning. Therefore, the theme of "Inquiry in and outside classrooms" has been put forward for the SIG 2016 meeting.

We encourage submissions regarding to the following topics:

The EARLI SIG 20 welcomes researchers from education, psychology, computer science as well as students, teachers and practitioners.